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Tears of Time by Joel Lawrence - 4/5

Summary from Goodreads:

Cal State freshman Eden Ellis feels like a stranger in time, and her dreams are growing more dangerous each night. Is she really the reincarnation of a Bronze Age princess, or is that just the medication talking? Dreams and reality start weaving together, and Eden and her friends begins to develop extraordinary powers and find themselves confronted with ancient secrets, government experiments, and the return of the same demonic force that nearly shattered the world 3,500 years ago. Eden's dreams hold the key to saving the future -- if she can embrace her duel identity and defeat the reincarnation of the man she used to love.


~*~ I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review. ~*~

Eden is a dreamer. But her dreams aren’t like those of other people. Her dreams involve warfare and royalty, romance and betrayal and they’re incredibly real. When she relocates to her university, she meets a group of people who dream just like she does, into the same world that she does. Soon afterward, things get crazy and Eden and her friends are sucked into an insane adventure that they didn’t sign up for. Tears of Time is a wild retelling of Atlantis that follows ancient characters alongside their modern counterparts.

The cover is what initially drew me into this read. It’s stunning! Eden graces the cover in beautiful orange and blue hues. The color scheme and the free-flowing aspects of the cover perfectly portray a mysterious, Atlantean feel.

Eden was a refreshing protagonist. She’s fun and interesting and she keeps her wits about her all through the crazy. The dream scenes attached to Eden and her alter-ego, Riadyna, were marvelous,six and I wish I had more of them. I was sort of hoping that there would be a jump back in time and we would get more time in that world.

Because the cast of characters was so diverse, I wish I’d been given more time with all of them. However, this is only the first book in a series, so I’m sure my thirst will eventually be satiated.

I appreciated how quickly this story moved. Once the action starts, it doesn’t stop. This book is filled with government secrets and alter-egos, and amazing superhero abilities! Tears of Time is a fast-paced and action-packed read, and I think lovers of adventure and fantasy alike will get lost in it’s pages. There are some insane surprises at the end, and readers will be left wanting more!

Overall, I think this was a beautiful debut to a really interesting series. I can’t wait to read the next installment!

Check it out September 2016!

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